Maybe I'm weird, but I don't see gay/straight/black/white/male/female thing in the military as all the social constructs that exist out in the civvie world.
This may be a threadjack... but you don't know how accurate you are with this statement.
I grew up in the military bubble. I never lived in areas which are ethnically or economically segregated until after my father retired. There was no "other side of the tracks," there was no separation between white/black/hispanic families as the housing on base was assigned. On base everyone has a great deal of base respect for each other being all members or family members of the military. It was only in High School after my father left the military when I ran into my first experience with racists.
Hopefully after homosexuality becomes a non-issue in the military (10 years from now or so) the military can again take the lead in social integration and acceptance (read that again without your head exploding hehe).