Ask yourself this: If the human race shoots a capsule out into space with all of our history and knowledge right before the end of the human race, what meaning do we have in terms to the cosmos? Some other intelligent lifeforce may discover it one day and find use, but in reality, our place in terms of the cosmos is zilch. Now after accepting that, work on Your personal well being. Do this by interacting with people (yoga, dance, band, forums) because we are, by nature, social beings. As Walt Whitman wisely stated. "Re-examine all you have been told . . . Dismiss what insults your Soul." Find interests and share them with people. Focus on your emotions, don't try to ignore them. If you're feeling depressed, reflection can often bring about a possible cause to your negative emotions. Once you've figured out possibly what is causing your sadness, decide to do something about it. Having gone through the lowest of the lows with depression, I can say I am now a much happier person due to digging deep from within, and making changes, i.e. being more extroverted, joining yoga, campus band, reading more, and focusing more on how to make other people happy.