I got a letter in the mail not one hour before the swearing-in saying my "services were no longer needed", which made me a little more cynical about the whole affair. There have been a lot of references to the origins of the US and the spirit of its founders, but this society is very different.
As for Bush, the Onion has been making him into a sort of Kenny: spiders eat his brain, he nails his eyelid to the wall, and so on. In a different time and place, he would have disemboweled himself; it would have been the only way out. That said, i didn't attend the local Bush-toppling. The idea seemed amusing just a couple weeks ago, but all of a sudden it seemed petty and backward-looking. In a way, Bush was never "there" in the sense that Saddam Hussein was, which means any toppling would have had made him more legitimate than he ever was.