Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
However, I will say that women in the military and gays in the military do have a parallel. Why is it that only the hetero male is suitible for combat action? Does this only apply to infantry, or does this extend to artillery, aviation, etc...?
Dunno. Maybe hetero males make up the majority of the military and thus the homogeneous group that is the easiest to assemble and cater to for combat operations? The military, right or wrong, is about efficiency. It sometimes fears change because it can't predict the results. The "ignorance" of if-it-ain't-broke-don't-fix-it is strong in the military. Racial integration wasn't exactly quick or smooth. I predict the same will be true for homosexuals if / when Mr. Obama decides to blow down the don't-ask-don't-tell wall.
Aviation may be classed as "combat arms" by some but I see it more like support. Aviation is like playing video games compared to light infantry tasks... which comprise the most physically demanding jobs in the military. It's one thing to fly a plane and pull a trigger to fire rockets, it's another thing to jump out of a plane and ruck 15 miles in 3 hours with 70 pounds on your back and be expected to close with and destroy the enemy using a rifle. Aircraft are badass and all but they don't win wars. Men with boots and rifles win wars.
I think it's funny that the anti-war crowd is whining that there isn't 100% equality in an institution they seem to disrespect so often.