I don't know if you've built this beast or not. I'm working on one myself. parts should be here for it on Wednesday. Anyway, my major comments are on the CPU and the MOBO.
CPU: go for the e8400 its 15-20 bucks saved that you could be spending on a GPU. they only difference is the Ghz, which since they have the same L2 cache, you'll never notice the difference.
Mobo: I bought a gigabyte UD3R. People love the board, it has alot of great overclocking features, if thats your thing, and its right around the same price. it's not SLI ready, but honestly, if you did in that case, it would run way too hot (without water cooling). I havn't heard much about foxxconn, and they dont have any great reputation that i can see.
GPU: Go hard or go home. Just playing. The more i read about cards, the bigger and badder i want. right now, there are great deals on the Geforce 9800 GXT+ (100-150) at tiger direct and other places. The Geforce line is due for a major price cut with the GTX 295 and 55nm chips comming out, so just keep an ear to the streets, look to newegg for rebates, but take your time, and read read read reviews and comparisons.
Lovely party Geoffery, but theres a turd in the punch bowl.
-George Carlin