Menopause?? or something else?
I've looked up a good bit of information on the process and all. I'm just not sure what is going on and atm I can't get in to see my Dr, at least for a few weeks. So, here I am for any ideas, suggestions, advice, or just to hear of any similar experiences...
Last time Aunt flo was scheduled to visit she barely stopped in for a weekend. This time she's been completely AWOL. My tubes are tied but I'm on BC because the hormonal fluctuations give me migranes and this way I can control the frequency and timing of the migranes. My normal BC schedule is 9 weeks on, 1 week off. This week was my off week. I took my last pill lst SUNDAY and here it is Sunday again and no period. The other issues that make me wonder if my time is coming is that I've had hot flashes almost every day this week. It hasn't been too out of the ordinary to have a hot flash or nightsweat or two almost every week. Back in November I was having multiple hot flashes every day for a few weeks there. I have also had two migranes show up this week. I've managed to stave them off but at $11/pill.
I'm 6 weeks away from turning 35. My mother started pre-menopause at 35. Her most frequent symptoms were hot flashes, irregular periods, and migranes.
I don't think it's the BC that's causing this as I've been on this particular formula for over a year and it's worked well for me. I have not started any new meds in the last 3-4 months. I did start a new job but it's been low pressure and not overly demanding physically. Stress hasn't been much of an issue, even with the move in August. Besides I had no changes with my period in August - October.
So, what's the verdict/suspicion/suggestions? Am I starting Menopause? should I be watching for any other symptoms to tell me Dr when I do manage to get in?
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.