Originally Posted by Derwood
it seemed to work fine in Starship Troopers
but seriously, the underlying assumption this theory is that gay guys look at every situation sexually. clearly, being trapped in a fox hole and fighting for your life isn't exactly a time when one is thinking "oh yeah, rub your butt on my nuts". it's a pretty outdated way of thinking.
and if a gay guy DID act inappropriately in that situation, I don't think any of us would be upset that they were disciplined accordingly
In Basic Training and Combat Situations there is little assumption to privacy. Women would not be expected to shower, change, and sleep in close proximity with men (who may or may not find them sexually attractive).
Why should men be expected to shower, change, and sleep in close proximity with men (who may or may not find them sexually attractive)?
Yes, I know, they already do. There is a big difference psychologically between doing so without the knowledge of it (how it is currently) and with the knowledge of it. Label that any way you want, but that's the way it is.