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Old 01-17-2009, 07:56 AM   #6 (permalink)
warrior bodhisattva
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Location: East-central Canada
Originally Posted by Crompsin View Post
My karate instructor is actually featured at the end of the first karate kid film.
That's way cool.

Originally Posted by Crompsin
I'm all for it. I like remakes. Whether they improve upon the story or are "better"... not the point. If the remake is awesome? Good for the story. If it sucks? Make the original look better. The point is that it acts like "thread necromancy" here on TFP... gets people interested again.
I agree with all of this.

Originally Posted by Crompsin
You should get into martial arts, Baraka.
I've considered it. Cost is an issue. Multiplicity of what is martial arts is another. I wouldn't know where to begin in terms of narrowing down what I would study. I'm all for the benefits of studying such an art. My draw to Buddhism and Yoga is equally drawing me to the martial arts. The only thing is the latter one is really difficult to teach yourself (i.e. at little or no cost). Maybe we should talk about this.

Originally Posted by Crompsin
It's less about violence and pwning noobz with axe kicks and more about mastering your body and mind... which occasionally become the same thing when you're doing it right.
I've understood this for a long time. My comment about violence was how I don't want kids to think they need karate or kung-fu to solve their problems with force (via the movie). Messages can get mixed easily with kids.

Just a word of advice, though: Crane kicks don't work in real life. Keep both feet close to the ground unless they're deployed to strike.
I figured as much. Even as a kid. I imagine it might work if your opponent is an undisciplined hot-headed jerk, though.

Originally Posted by Anxst View Post
Why not have The Chan play a karate instructor who mentors a kid who has problems being the bully this time, and write a story around that. He could gradually deal with his anger issues, stop beating up kids, and eventually have to fight his old friends who still won't stop beating up the kids he used to help them beat up. Or anything else different.
This is a great idea. We should write the screenplay.
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