Great episode, fantastic turn of events. So much to be explained.
Obviously, Earth has fought the Battle of Armageddon.
However, with regard to Starbuck, I don't think she is a cylon. It's way deeper than that.
Starbuck is the Resurrection.
The Resurrection is the very heart of Christianity. All along, the Cylons have believed in the God of Abraham, one God, and the humans have (and still do) believe in many Gods. (Though it's an interesting image - Laura Rosalin burning the sacred scrolls of Pithia. She has realized that it's not true.) Now you know why the cylons believe only in one God. It stems from when they lived on Earth and destroyed themselves.
12 cylons, 12 deciples.
Starbuck is Jesus.
That's why Leoban (Peter) ran. (Wouldn't you run if you saw Jesus in front of you?)
The 12'th cylon is Judas.