ASU....the bars will be packed where ever you go. Try a few blocks north of the Mall around Penn Ave or above (F and G Streets).
You might try Hawk and Dove on Capitol Hill (3rd and Penn, SE), Dubliners near Union Station, 18th Amendment (6th & Penn, NW), Capitol City Brewing Company (11th & F), Old Ebbitt right near the White House (15th & G).
Or get away from the Mall completely for your bar crawl and try around Dupont Circle or Adams Morgan....plenty of bars in both neighborhoods.
I will be staying inside where its warm, watching from a friend's condo that overlooks the parade route on Penn Ave.
Have fun!
"The perfect is the enemy of the good."
~ Voltaire
Last edited by dc_dux; 01-16-2009 at 06:11 AM..