Originally Posted by mixedmedia
The reasoning being, of course, that the responsibility of civic governance and maintaining approval of the Palestinian voters would, by necessity, divert their attention from 'destroying Israel.' But thankfully, such foolishness was averted and Hamas was able to keep their eye on the prize.
Haven't we had a look at Hamas' governing abilities these past 3 years? In that time, have they done anything to improve the plight of their people or accomodate a 2 state solution? We are talking about the establishment of Sharia Law in Gaza, the same form of governance as the Taliban in Pakistan. The same form of governance that requires women to walk around in public in burlap sacks from head to toe, so as not to "encourage immoral behavior". The same form of governance who bury women into the ground up to their necks and be stoned to death for alleged adultery or other so-called immodest behavior. The same form of governance who kill their gay or lesbian citizens in soccer stadiums filled with onlookers, as a means of deterrence. This is no secret: a little research will reveal all.
And no I don't suppose roachboy is the only one who feels this way about this particular conflict. People are entitled to their opinions, it doesn't mean I have to agree with those opinions, or they mine.