Originally Posted by scout
Now shift to semi partisan politics. Don't expect the Democrats to do anything about said supposed abuses because the shoe is now on the other foot. Soon the Republicans will start to screaming "crimes and abuses" about the Democrats doing the same thing they did. It's all really pathetic.
As a matter iof fact, the Democrats did a fair amount ih their first two years in the majority to rein in executive power and provide more transparency across the executive branch, despite Republican fillibusters and Bush vetoes.
The restored the Freedom of Information Act proviisions that Bush killed in an Executive Order. They fixed FISA to some degree to ensure that a president does not authorize warrantless wiretaps of citizens. They implemented the first lobbying and ethics reform in 20 years. They attemted to fix the abuses in government contracting, but Bush vetoed it. They attempted to fix the abuses of the Federal Record Act but a Republican fillibuster blocked it. They attempted to fix the whistle-blowing legislation that the Bush administration used to puinish those who had the balls to raise questions about agency practicies, but the Repubicans held it up in committee. They began to rewrite the law governing agency Inspectors General to ensure their independence.......
Unlike you guys, I will take a wait and see approach rather than one of offering judgements and drawing conclusions before Obama and the Democratic Congress have a chance to act.