Originally Posted by dc_dux
pan...gimme a fucking break.
Abuse of power is a matter of Constitutional law.
The public ceremonial transfer of power as displayed in the inaugural ceremony is as old as the nation itself. The process is administered by a bi-partisan Senatorial committee.
Whats makes this one particularly historic is that the incoming president could have been owned as property by the first 22 presidents. Perhaps that is one reason why this inauguration has generated more public interest (thus the cost) than any previous inauguration.
As the author of the OP. I will ask you again to take your issue somewhere else...but if you insist on continuing to make a foof of your self with your pettiness to equate the cost of an inauguration with spying on american citizens, torturing detainees, destroying public documents, etc., go for it!
I guess you never made it past the first 2 paragraphs.
To me when you have millions losing housing and jobs tax paid extravaganzas are an abuse of power. I'm sorry a government "for the people, by the people, of the people" should be working to help the people not spending their money on frivolity.
I loved Bill Clinton, but he's abusing his power as ex-president by forcing tax payers to house the Secret Service taxpayers pay to protect him. Or any of the former office holders (not just presidents), who get benefits AFTER office that the vast majority of people will never even hear about, and take those benefits use them to stay at the best hotels, make BIG money giving lectures or making personal opinions and not paying a fucking cent because the taxpayers paid for their travel, hotel stays, meals and so on, as did the people who paid for the appearance. Can we say "DOUBLE DIPPING"?
How can Obama, Clinton, Bush, Carter, congress, governors, state congresses, and so on tell the people to make sacrifices and cut back when they are abusing their powers and spending our tax dollars any way they like and basically telling us to shut up and like it? They ALL abuse their powers because they can and there are the people who will make excuses for them and those abuses.
The vast majority of the people in this country are hard working, honest, take pride in their work men and women, who want nothing more than to own a little piece of land and not have to worry about living paycheck to paycheck. But we have allowed those greedy fucks in ALL branches to allow the rich to exploit and make a mockery of our freedom and people.
We have allowed our "elected" leaders to spend OUR money,our CHILDREN'S money and who knows how many generations worth money, so that they can bail out banks who are still foreclosing, thumb their noses at the automobile industry, watch unemployment (reported and unreported) reach heights not reached in generations. We have allowed these cocksuckers to destroy the American dream and sell everything they can out from under the hard working taxpayer. And we made fucking excuses and blamed "the other party".
If that's not fucking abusing power and the trust of the people to you, then you need to tell me why.
So if this thread is truly about Presidential abuses of power let's cover ALL Presidential abuse and not just what fits our dislike for one particular one. And why not go after ALL elected officials and their abuses of the powers and trust given them by the people?
OH wait, that wouldn't fit into your Bush bashing, we may see the truth if we truly look into EVERY elected official in Congress, active or "retired" and the former White House residents abuse of power and trust.
As for Bush, as stated above, I think it would do more harm and cost far more than we have to spend to go after him. If there is such a belief he is a war criminal, turn him over to the UN or whomever and let them decide.
But if you so badly want to go after him, then go after ALL OF THEM (Former presidents, congressmen/women, judges, etc) for their abuses or your cry for abuse of power investigations is nothing more than personal vendetta.