Last summer, right before this picture was taken.
We'd stopped to take pictures of the Potomac on the C&O Canal trail and I was getting back on my bike to ride up onto the trail when I stalled, tipped and fell over. Same thing happened last summer on the LiveStrong Challenge ride—I was rounding a corner at the base of a hill and ended up sandwiched between another rider going more slowly than I and the curb. I slowed, stalled, tipped, and fell over.
I'm convinced I'll take a mighty tumble one of these days on the many shoes my partner leaves strewn about on our bedroom floor. Hopefully it won't happen near the staircase.
If one million people replaced a two mile car trip once a week with a bike ride, carbon dioxide emissions would be reduced by 50,000 tons per year. If one out of ten car commuters switched to a bike, carbon dioxide emissions would be reduced by 25.4 million tons per year. [2milechallenge.com]
Originally Posted by roachboy
it's better if you can ride without having to wonder if the guy in the car behind you is a sociopath, i find.