Originally Posted by Crompsin
maybe they're just talking for the other side of the spectrum that Derwood and other anti-gun know-it-alls are coming from...
you need to polish up your reading comprehension skills. show me where I've been "anti-gun" on anything besides a personal level?
but there is a good point about all rights being limited. some on the extreme side of the pro-gun movement would have you believe that no restrictions should be put on gun purchasing or ownership because the 2nd Amendment is an unalienable right. the truth is, all of the rights outlined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights have limits; you can't lie under oath, you can't yell fire in a crowded theatre, you don't have the right to assemble in, say, the Oval Office....but if a legislator suggests that it might not be a great idea for your average "Joe Monkeywrench" to own an aresenal of military grade automatic weapons, people get their panties all in a twist.