Originally Posted by Willravel
You're assuming a false dichotomy. It's not just either:
1) Respond with extreme force or
2) Sit there and twiddle your thumbs
There are a lot of options.
At some point it does become that dichotomy. A political solution has been tried for how long?
Peace process in the Israeli?Palestinian conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Again, this isn't advocating either side, but with so many peace treaties/agreements/talks/whatever failing, it does beg the question of how long can the circular nature of this conflict continue?
We're quickly approaching the point where it is either Respond with force or twiddle your thumbs.
For a crude analogy, that isn't painting one side or the other as the victim or the bully.
A bully picks on you and you try to solve it by asking him to stop, by talking with your parents, by talking with the teacher, by talking with the principal, and by trying to avoid him. Eventually the only solution is to punch the bully in the nose.
I think we're to option (F) in the Israel/Palestinian conflict. Israel's punch is bombs and tanks. Palestine's is crude home made rockets.