Am I just retarded or is it really that hard to buy a Wii?
I'd like to buy a new Wii. Sounds simple right? It's been out for two years now so it should be readily available. I should be able to walk into any local Walmart, Best Buy, Circuit City, Target, Game Stop, Costco, or other fine electronics retailer right now, plunk down some cash and walk out tonight with a shiny new Wii. But I can't since they are never in stock. I can buy any game or accessory for a Wii right now. Any version of Guitar Hero or Rock Band? Check. Wii Fit? Three of them on the shelf last night at my local wally world. Hell every store I have been in has shelves full of Wii games and accessories but no Wii console.
Seriously what am I doing wrong here? Why am I having such hard time finding a Wii? It shouldn't be this difficult.