Giant flatscreen televisions have been dubbed the '4x4s' of the living room because they can consume four times as much energy as traditional televisions that used cathode ray tubes (CRTs).
Now European governments are finalising a mandatory EU regulation to set minimum standards for televisions. The worst performers will be phased out, and the rest will have to be labelled with energy ratings, so consumers will be able to identify in order to distinguish the most energy efficient sets.
Power hungry plasma screen televisions to be banned under new EU legislation - Telegraph
After seeing a similar article the other day, I did a bit of research (one google search). Apparently, it's true that the plasma TV is quite frankly inefficient. A 50" plasma can use twice as much electricity as an average refrigerator/freezer. I was going to get one of [URLhttp://reviews.cnet.com/flat-panel-tvs/pioneer-elite-kuro-pro/4505-6482_7-33002556.html?tag=mncol;lst=]these[/URL] some time in the next 6 months, but now I think I'll stick with LCD and maybe get something more like
this. While the dip in my electric bill is nice, I also like the idea of having more efficient electronics in my house. With the new Mac mini, 22" energystar LCD monitor, adding insulation, and gas stove, it seems to me that if one is interested in investing in one's home, being energy efficient makes the most sence.
That said, I'm wary of the EU banning plasma. I'm not a free market zealot or anything, but outright banning something that's less efficient seems to be a bit extreme.
Could this spell the beginning of the end for plasma? Will this make LCD the one and only choice for flat-screens for the time being? Could this pave the way for OLED?