Originally Posted by Stare At The Sun
When people are disarmed, they are powerless.
A more objective observer might suggest that it is from the Constitution in its entirety from which the "people" maintain their power....a free press, free speech and rights of redress, protection from search and seizure, due process under law....rights guaranteed by most free democracies in the world.
The most glaring difference between the US and the other free democracies is that most others do not have a guaranteed right to bear arms, other then through some nebulous reference to earlier common law...yet their citizens are no more powerless in their respective countries than the citizens of the US.
-----Added 10/1/2009 at 11 : 59 : 37-----
IMO, the "people" would be much more powerless w/o the first amendment or the fourth...or the fifth...or the sixth amendment...all of which potentially would have a much more nefarious impact, if those rights were lost.