Originally Posted by dlish
heres another case i read about today. the man had a t-shirt that had the words "we will not be silent" in arabic written on the front (with english translation).
they pulled him aside, made him cover his t-shirt and changed his seat from the front of the plane to the back. why? because ignorant passengers who cannot read arabic felt uncomfortable because of the arabic words written on this mans t-shirt. had it been chinese, swahili, hindi it would have mattered not.
i have no idea what the intention, motive or meaning of the passenger was. but even if it was a political t-shirt, no one has the right to treat you like a 2nd class ciizen.
i wonder if a pretty petite busty blonde wearing that tshirt would have been garnered the same attantion as an arab.
How do you know that people could not understand what was on the shirt or that those ignorant people would have ignored a shirt with xzy writing on it? Come on now.
I feel for arabs flying today, it has to be tough because i know even as a white man flying that i feel uncomfortable with the security process and I can only imagine what it must feel like to have all eyes on you.
Now first off, stupid choice for a shirt when flying. I think all people with common sense know that the chances that the arab family two rows up from you are terrorist is zero. Just like common sense would tell me as an arab man i might want to act/dress in a way that does not draw attention to myself when flying.
As stupid as that is, you do what you have to do to get by. I see no reason to be upset at being pulled aside with that shirt on with the existing rules/stupid people in place. The process is in place to give people a false sense of security, the rules are stupid plain and simple. But again challenging them or getting upset with them at the departure gate is probably not the best move just like wearing that shirt.
Should i be upset if i go and rent a Ryder truck and happen to be carrying with me bags of fertilizer? i really think common sense has to come into play with some personal responsibility.
I would love to say then just avoid flying then, but that would make the jackass's who pointed out the shirt the winners.
What we need is two airlines. one for the fucking soccer mom's and worry warts, and one for us regular folks who can show up 10 minutes before the plane takes off, no screening...fly at your own risk. (stolen from George carlin).