Originally Posted by Telluride
Hypothetical situation:
The government confiscates citizens' guns.
Gun owners go to court. They lose.
What then? Fight back with spit-wads?
Well, you're first off assuming that the government can get all of the guns. Good luck with that. They don't have the manpower to do it, especially not all at once, and so when you see them start taking guns away from Maine, you can get the Texans to start shooting.
Second, what will you do? Same thing you would have done with your guns. Be subjugated. To date no one has managed to explain how having a revolver or a deer rifle is going to help them. Tell me, right now, what that's gonna do against a tank. I don't care if you get 20,000 people on your side (good luck with that, too). A few tanks and a small platoon would be enough to stop it. I keep hearing "We need our guns to fight an oppressive government!" but I never hear how the guns are going to stop that government. It makes about as much sense as "I need a 10x10 section of drywall to stop the hurricane."
The next revolution isn't gonna be decided with firepower, because the government has it and we by comparison have cap guns. It's going to be an issue where either the majority of the populace revolts and refuses to do what the government says (because the government can't kill the whole country for disobedience, else there will no longer be a country to govern) or the military will become convinced that the government is broken, effect a military coup, and we'll join the ranks of Argentina.