I don't recall ever being offended by a religious billboard. I view religious billboards in a similar way that I view people knocking on doors proselytizing. I believe in free speech, so they can do that as long as they don't infringe on my rights.
Coincidentally, I just saw something yesterday sort of related to this. Right up the road from where I work there is an abortion clinic; I believe it's run by Planned Parenthood but I'm really not sure of that. Usually on Fridays, but sometimes also at other times, there are protesters along the street where the driveway starts, they stand outside and apparently pray the rosary, carry signs saying things like "we love your baby, don't kill it" and "give us your baby and we'll take care of it and love it" etc. and they even have large photos of aborted fetuses and pictures of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Well yesterday there was a new group of protesters outside; what looked like a group of late high school/early college age kids, all of them with red tape stuck over their mouths...so I figure they're either protesting the pressure on freedom of choice, or protesting the fact that the anti-abortion protesters are not allowed to get too close to people entering the clinic or verbally intimidate anyone...I'm still not sure what their POV was.
Last edited by BadNick; 01-07-2009 at 12:30 PM..