FWIW, I'm not quite sure how I feel about gay marriage because I haven't thought the issue through all the way, though I'm inclined to think it's probably harmless. What I do think is that it's probably inevitable, so all this wailing and gnashing of teeth about it will probably seem anachronistic in ten or 15 years. So my view is "stop fighting it, it's here and spreading, and all you're doing by fighting it is making a nuisance of yourself."
However, it's always better to have social change happen organically rather than have it imposed by judicial fiat. This country was well on the way to liberal abortion laws before the issue became a festering sore as a result of Roe v Wade. The fundies rode that hobby horse for thirty years, maybe more. Had Roe just kicked the issue back to the states, we would have ended up as a practical matter with a setup similar though not identical to what we have now (available, with restrictions), but without the social "issue." With any luck we can avoid that sort of "hot button" with gay marriage.