It's a bit late, but I'm a Californian who didn't agree with Prop 8. To me, the point of having a constitution is to protect the rights of citizens by spelling out the limitations on the government's power. Screwing with a constitution to ban something you find icky is inappropriate in my opinion, whether it's gays, guns, racism or junk food.
-----Added 7/1/2009 at 02 : 28 : 49-----
Originally Posted by filtherton
In other words: landlords had the right to rent to whomever they wanted, but couldn't handle it, so that right got taken away. That's often what happens when people can't exercise their unenumerated rights in responsible ways; they lose those rights.
If the government recognized the right of landlords to rent to whomever they wanted, these anti-discrimination laws wouldn't exist in the first place.
And I would also argue that discriminating against potential tenants may not be nice, but I'm not sure it qualifies as irresponsible.
Originally Posted by filtherton
Perhaps they believed that the ownership of property shouldn't guarantee the absolute right to do whatever one wants to do with that property.
That's not what is being argued here. Nobody is saying that a property owner should be able to use his or her property to imprison sex slaves, for example. It is being argued that property owners have a right to decide who gets to use their property.