Originally Posted by Dead_man
and why is that?
Actually, it's the norm. No society or country I'm aware of uses a pure form of any economic or governmental system. They're all combinations of different theories, tweaked in order to be the best. Even here in the US, we have many interesting combinations of economic theories, including both socialism and capitalism.
Originally Posted by Dead_man
Because when you keep whoring the middle class out to pay for every conceivable government program, there is usually an uprising of some sort. That's why it hasn't happened. Too many good people get tired of being raped. Remember the whole "no taxation without representation" thing? Applies here.
If this was correct, we'd see 100% socialism followed by revolution. We don't. And most theories of socialism and communism have democracy of some kind built in, therefore providing representation for taxation.
Originally Posted by Dead_man
mmmhmm... the free market fixes those things by letting people move to ANOTHER JOB! A company who pays shit gets shit for workers. There can be no denial of that. ...but I know, you want the government, the big baby bottle, to help these poor workers with unions who have really fair things like card checks and trying to ban secret ballots. Totally protecting the workers. Give me a break, please.
Unless in a given economy there are an equal or greater amount of high paying jobs to the amount of hard and smart workers, this simply isn't the case.
As someone that's been in one higher management or another for the past 4-5 years I know without a shadow of a doubt that hard work and even smart work doesn't equal good pay. There aren't enough opportunities for people, and creating opportunities requires capital and venture capitalists and other methods by which to acquire capital for a startup are scared of their own shadow right now.
Unions exist in the real world, where MOST corporations are more interested in profit than their workers. Put that into your equation. What if most businesses are wiling to pay low wages? What if that decision is systemic? Then one simply can't find another job. One needs to stay where he or she is and demonstrate to the management and owners that even the grunts are absolutely necessary. And it works. Unions prevent exploitation of workers.
Originally Posted by Dead_man
lol please. That stuff works at Daily Kook, but not with anyone with a lick of common sense (read: not liberal)
This isn't an acceptable method of argument. I'm not associating you with National Review or Drudge in order to make you look like a right wing sheep, so I expect the same treatment.