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Old 01-06-2009, 05:30 PM   #103 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dead_man View Post
Because it's true? Obamessiah better watch out. Hamas and Hezbollah are getting ticked because he hasn't denounced Israel for defending itself against over 50 days of rocket attacks that weren't reported.
True? Yes, it's true that terrorism exists. We may as well declare a war on sex. We'll never get rid of terrorism. Period. The war should be on the states that sponsor and harbor the terrorists that attack us. (hint: Not Iraq.)

So, they could afford to pay people not to work?
Hey, if they can afford to pay the fired-for-cause CEO's not to work. . .

Wow, don't get too worked up about a mini-recession that will fix itself within a year or so.
the worst stock market and housing plummet since the depression and you call it a mini recession. And did you not note where I talked about the debt, too, or do you think we'll have that paid off in a couple of years as well?

The packed shopping malls this Christmas told me that you're a bad actor.
Holiday 2008: Retailers Suffer Dismal Christmas Sales - Retail * US * News * Story -

Originally Posted by CNBC
It took massive discounts, longer store hours and promotional giveaways to even get shoppers to the mall this season. Still that last minute rush could not save stores from double-digit sales declines across virtually every category.
Making shit up does not help you win arguments.

2: Tax reduced incentives keep businesses here.
If that's true then why are they outsourcing so many jobs to places that are not here?

3: What is the difference between moving labor offshore and 850Billion dollars to Africa as Obamessiah has proposed?
1) the bill says:

Originally Posted by SB2433
“A bill to require the President to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day.”
It does not say "lets throw 850 billion at Africa RIGHT NOW!

2) If you can't see the difference between helping a foreign continent with funds gotten from gainfully employed above-poverty-line Americans, and encouraging US companies to fire US workers in favor of foriegn workers, then there's little more I can really say.

Businesses that thrive create jobs. Jobs create wealth for the middle class. Wealth can be taxed to support people who don't want to work.
Businesses that legitimately thrive create jobs. How will they legitimately thrive if no one can buy their crap because all the jobs are sent overseas?
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