Admittedly this thread is a bit late to the party. The Aluminum keyboard has been out for quite some time, but I just got one last week so it's new to me.
Apparently, the caps lock has been a problem for people for a long time. I've always like it, but some people have been complaining for some time that they hit the "a" and the finger also hits the caps. This problem is so wide-spread that Apple decided to do something about it. On every current Apple keyboard, in order to activate the caps lock, you must hold it down for nearly an entire second. No longer can you just quickly hit it like you would any other key. This is a great solution for people who accidentally hit the caps now and again, but I'm a bit of an oddball; I use the caps instead of the shift button. I know, it's very strange, but I learned how to type on a typewriter that didn't have a shift button to speak of and I was already very good before I got my first real computer.
Now I find myself having to slow down every time I have to capitalize something. I tried to change me technique in order to use the shift key, like most people, but it's very, very awkward for me. I imagine it would take me many months to start to feel comfortable using the shift key to capitalize.
Worse still, there's no way to disengage this caps lock speed limiter. I've been all over google trying to locate hacks and such (I found one that fixes the problem but also leaves the caps lock light on perpetually, which I grew annoyed with almost immediately).
Is anyone else having trouble with this? More importantly, has anyone found a way to correct this?
Otherwise, I'm very happy with the keyboard, BTW. The feel is a lot more comfortable, it doesn't get dirty as easily and it's just about the sharpest thing I've ever seen. The one and only complaint is the caps.