That's not really true. If you mean 100% pure socialism, it's never been tried on a national scale. If you mean socialist (government run and funded) programs, many, many have been successful (even here in the US).
and why is that? Because when you keep whoring the middle class out to pay for every conceivable government program, there is usually an uprising of some sort. That's why it hasn't happened. Too many good people get tired of being raped. Remember the whole "no taxation without representation" thing? Applies here.
Jobs, yes, but not necessarily high paying jobs. Those all center around the very, very top, and those rest upon the very low salaries and wages of the workers towards the bottom. That's Corporations 101.
mmmhmm... the free market fixes those things by letting people move to ANOTHER JOB! A company who pays shit gets shit for workers. There can be no denial of that. ...but I know, you want the government, the big baby bottle, to help these poor workers with unions who have really fair things like card checks and trying to ban secret ballots. Totally protecting the workers. Give me a break, please.
You don't seem to be familiar with modern unions. Can you demonstrate that the average union is criminal? Or that they create monopolies?
Card Checks.
Trying to get rid of secret ballots.
lol please. That stuff works at Daily Kook, but not with anyone with a lick of common sense (read: not liberal)
They are. That's why they declared war on a tactic, rather than a nation. A "war on terror" is like the "war on drugs." Neverending. Only the terror "war" is designed to keep us afraid so that we will keep electing the people who are fighting to "keep us safe." In both of the last 2 presidential elections we were told that electing a democrat would make us unsafe. How is that not fearmongering?
Because it's true? Obamessiah better watch out. Hamas and Hezbollah are getting ticked because he hasn't denounced Israel for defending itself against over 50 days of rocket attacks that weren't reported.
You are wrong. If GM/Ford/Chrysler made a decent product that people actually wanted to buy, the auto industry could afford the union wage packages.
So, they could afford to pay people not to work?
Again, bull. Prove me wrong. Every economic policy instituted since Reagan has been designed to erode labor and therefore the middle class. Trickle down economics is custom designed to give lots of money to people who already have lots of money in the theory that they will "take care" of the rest of us. 3 decades later, and it simply doesn't work. Your party's economic theories have been in play for nearly 30 years. Our debt is staggeringly high, our economy is in the toilet, our workers are getting laid off, our citizens are losing their homes, their jobs, their savings, their livelihoods, their retirements, and their future. Your way Doesn't. Work.
Wow, don't get too worked up about a mini-recession that will fix itself within a year or so.
I'm reminded of the words of a conservative right here. I think he says:
It is said that Republicans are a party for the rich, which means they need to keep the rich, rich to keep their power.
On the other hand, the Democrats are a party for the poor, which means they need to keep the poor, poor, in order to keep their power.
You can have the rest of the BS. It's laughable at best. The packed shopping malls this Christmas told me that you're a bad actor.
Again correct. And businesses will seek to pay as little to the people doing those jobs as they possibly can. That means that, if permitted, they will go to a 3rd world country where the wages are a fraction of what they are here. And that's exactly what they have done. It still creates jobs, but employing a bunch of sweatshop workers in Asia does not put food on the tables of our workers.
3 points here...
1: I agree a fraction of a bit with you here.
2: Tax reduced incentives keep businesses here. I know that a few folks want government to run these businesses or force them to stay, but that breeds resentment. You don't tell a man who poured his life into his business how to run it.
3: What is the difference between moving labor offshore and 850Billion dollars to Africa as Obamessiah has proposed? Tax money that could stay right here and help streamline programs or help "our economy out of the toilet, employ workers, help our citizens save their homes, their jobs, their savings, their livelihoods, their retirements, and their future"!11!one!1
No, I don't subscribe to any of that garbage, it just sounded good.
Businesses that thrive create jobs. Jobs create wealth for the middle class. Wealth can be taxed to support people who don't want to work.