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Old 01-05-2009, 01:48 PM   #99 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by Dead_man View Post
Are you simply blind or just that ignorant?
This doesn't strike me as a productive or friendly question.
Originally Posted by Dead_man View Post
Nice deflect on the "kill the unions" thing, which incidentally, I never said. You always put words in peoples text to try to win an argument on the internet or is it something new?
That's how I also interpreted "complete and utter nullification of union contracts". Maybe you can elaborate on how this would not kill unions?
Originally Posted by Dead_man View Post
The key here is following the money. The UAW and's monetary benefactors...cough... have helped run these companies into the ground.
Most experts are not blaming the unions for the failures of the auto industry. Why? You can see the sales numbers going back years. It's poor design and an unwillingness to stay modern and competitive with foreign cars. If you don't believe me, go test drive a Cavalier late today and then a Civic. You'll get it immediately.
Originally Posted by Dead_man View Post
By not answering with anything other than a deflection means you either are willfully ignorant and a hypocrite, or just one of those people who argue for the sake of argument without much to back it up.
Seriously, this isn't necessary.
Originally Posted by Dead_man View Post
No one on the right is destroying or wanting to destroy the middle class. (who was it that said the right consists of a bunch of fear mongers...really...with stuff like that going around? ). No one here hates the workers. Businesses exist for the people that run them to create wealth for themselves. period. No one starts a business to create jobs. Jobs are a by-product of business growth.
Jobs, yes, but not necessarily high paying jobs. Those all center around the very, very top, and those rest upon the very low salaries and wages of the workers towards the bottom. That's Corporations 101.
Originally Posted by Dead_man View Post
Unions were a great idea back in the 20's, when there were monopolies and such to deal with. Today, they are leeches and criminals stealing money without a gun. Since they donate a lot of money to not-right (get it?) politicians, they get to be the monopoly and can exert a whole bunch of strain on a company until you get things like having to pay workers 90% of their salary until retirement because you were cutting the fat and closing a plant and this prick didn't want to find a new job. Seriously though, who, but the insane or really honest would find a new job over taking 90% of his 56k a year for no work?
You don't seem to be familiar with modern unions. Can you demonstrate that the average union is criminal? Or that they create monopolies?
Originally Posted by Dead_man View Post
Sure, companies are cutting some fat because the non-pro-business side is in charge. People are slowing down, but you don't see issues like this in the southern car manufacturing states because of the right to work laws.
What are worker incomes in the right to work states? How about injury rates? Why would an ethical free market company need to shield itself from wrongful termination suits?
Originally Posted by Dead_man View Post
More class warfare rhetoric? Please. I will refer you to the first paragraph in part 3 regarding Economics 101. Simply because you enjoy suckling the government teet and hate the fact that capitalism works better than communism doesn't mean you're right. I know, I know...libs do what makes them feel good vs what is actually right.... hence the condition of public schools, but that's another story for another day.
This is an interesting primer on class warfare, you may want to read it:
Originally Posted by Dead_man View Post
I really decided to go out there on the anti-lib wing because socialism has failed everywhere it's been tried, everytime it's been tried. You folks need reminding of that from time to time.
That's not really true. If you mean 100% pure socialism, it's never been tried on a national scale. If you mean socialist (government run and funded) programs, many, many have been successful (even here in the US).

Last edited by Willravel; 01-05-2009 at 04:47 PM..
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