Originally Posted by Dead_man
Wrong. A new business model and the complete and utter nullification of union contracts would be a great first step.
For the corporations, yes. For the workers, no. Or did I miss the announcement that Walmart workers were suddenly flush with cash?
Businesses can come back, but no business should be getting controlled to the point of collapse by government and a union.
Since when was business getting controlled by government. It's the other way around.
Did you know that the UAW is legally the only union allowed to exist in Michigan and a few other states?
First you say kill the unions, then you complain that there's only one. Which is it?
Since they don't, they "protected" the workers to the point of their jobs going under.
Bull. Misguided idiot management and penny-pinching beancounters insisting on mediocre, not to say downright crappy, product is what got the workers to the point of their jobs going under. The workers are told to put bolt A into hole B. It's not their fault that the accountants insist on shitty parts in a shitty design.
and worker protection does not explain why right-to-work states are seeing steady business.
Nowhere is seeing steady business right now. People are getting laid off left and right. Union, non union, at-will, and right-to-work. Doesn't matter. What are you talking about?
Most of us conservative people don't see it as cutting something off, we see things as inefficient and top heavy and in need of removal or being streamlined. The liberal solution is to throw other peoples money at it so you feel better even if you get nothing done.
And the conservative solution is to kill off the middle class, enrich only the already rich, and then expect the rest of us to be content taking the leftovers that the wealthy choose to bestow upon us. To allow corporations to rule unfettered, and to have vast and far reaching influence upon government. That's not free market either. It's a corporatocracy and it's custom-designed to increase the financial gap between the wealthy and everyone else.