Part of the problem is the union. The latter half of the problem consists of a poor business model and being located in a state that has been in a lone recession for years.
I hate to say this, but a big step to helping out the poor companies would be to move to a state that is more open for business and will not tax the fuck out of you to stay alive. If any of those idiots had any balls, they'd declare bankruptcy and instantly nullify the union contracts, then uproot and leave.
Sadly, they look like they're going to get a bailout, so since they already got some of my tax money, they won't need me to buy a new car any time soon. I'll be supporting a southern state car manufacturer by buying a new Nissan this year.
Call it reactionary if you want, but this isn't free market capitalism. This is corporate welfare. I'm already paying for it, so that's the extent of the money they're going to get from me.