I'm confused Roachboy, you used the word Siege for the last 18 months...but from what I know a "Siege" has only been in place the last few days. From what I read (and I read about 80% of what's up...you guys took like 2 hours of my life tonight) there was an embargo/cutoff
A siege suggest aggression and attacking and raiding
while the cut off was more a "Lets not help these people are trying to kill us".
When you say Siege, do you think Israel is actively attacking Gaza for the last 18 months?
My opinion of this is 2 things
Slims is a genius and downright scholar and gentleman. All you other cats are also of course, but I had to call him out.
and 2 Roachboy it sounds like a major thing for you is that palestine/gaza and it's people is a tiny broken little thing that is now being picked on by a massive megapower. I can appreciate the Chivalry in your reaction. I dont' exactly agree with you. I think the Palestinians have been given too many chances, and I really hope the people there will rat out the Hamas people and recognize that peace talks will happen faster when Hamas is out of power or recognizes Israel.
Hesitate. Pull me in.
Breath on breath. Skin on skin.
Loving deep. Falling fast.
All right here. Let this last.
Here with our lips locked tight.
Baby the time is right for us...
to forget about us.