Originally Posted by filtherton
Property rights don't exist in a vacuum.
Strawmanning my argument is a poor way of shrouding "we didn't like the way they used their property" without a real defense.
It is the public's business. When the collective action of a bunch of racist landlords begins to affect people who have nothing to do with said racist landlords, then it becomes the public's business.
It's a dangerous definition of 'affect' that includes the withholding of privileges that you were never entitled to. Red Cross should totally sue me for not being generous with them.
In other words: landlords had the right to rent to whomever they wanted, but couldn't handle it, so that right got taken away.
Plainly false. People like
you couldn't handle it. They handled it in a morally terrible way, but they handled it just fine. Others like
you couldn't handle the way they handled it and had a legislative tantrum.
That's often what happens when people can't exercise their unenumerated rights in responsible ways; they lose those rights.
There are plenty of ways in which we are allowed to be irresponsible and SHOULD be allowed such. We draw the line - responsible people do, anyway - at where such irresponsibility deprives someone of something they are entitled to, and no further. We don't redraw the line simply when we don't get what we wanted.
Perhaps the founders were a bit shortsighted in that they specifically failed to include the right to discriminate against entire classes of people when they drafted the bill of rights.
They also failed to include gay marriage. Guess this thread is pointless.
Perhaps they believed that the ownership of property shouldn't guarantee the absolute right to do whatever one wants to do with that property.
Again, no one is arguing for an absolute right. Try switching out your easy one-liners for something relevant.
I prefer much more realistic limitations on property rights.
I think you chose 'realistic' because it looked pretty in that sentence. I can't fathom how it actually applies to your view in a way that excludes mine.
That's not how a free market ought to operate.
Says you. Run your own property differently.