I think I have developed a "sensitivity" to bread. Not full-blown Celiac's but I appear to have a threshold that, when it gets passed, I get "sick". This was verified on the 30th when the bosses took us out to dinner.
I thought we were having a luncheon, so I hadn't brought any lunch to work.
Instead, I went to the local diner and picked up a plain pork roll on a hard roll. Later, dinner was at a popular deli/restaurant that serves these "triple deckers" that serve 5 people. I took two pieces of rye bread, made a half sandwich of turkey breast with bacon, then made a half sandwich of corned beef. I also had 8 french fries and dipped those in gravy each bite.
Within an hour, I was rushing to the ladies' room, feeling miserable, like I'd eaten a whole turkey dinner. I excused myself and went home. I'm pretty sure that, had I not had that roll at lunch, I may have been fine. What amounted to one whole sandwich, along with the fries and a small pickle, should not have had that effect. The only thing I put on the sandwich was a smear of mustard.
I had severely cut my bread intake on this suspicion; didn't do a damned thing for my weight and, in fact, I put on 5 more pounds in the last week or so.
Yesterday I had my usual mini-bagel for breakfast, lunch was a tunafish sandwich in which I cut the slices of bread in half lengthwise; dinner was at TGIF's, so that probably more than made up for any efforts made previously.
There are no cookies in the house at all, but my nighttime snack was ice cream. /slaps self. That was the last of the container, tho.
I have trouble walking due to the knees and the ankle, so I've started doing exercises I'd been doing before the dual falls. These should build and/or strengthen the lost muscle.
Today I am 3 lbs heavier than I was 2 days ago.