Sorry not sure if this is the right section or not....
Lately I've been getting what I believe to be random hives,
Urticaria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia they don't look like the more severe pictures there, more like the ones in the pictures down at the bottom of the page. I've been getting them on my forearms and a few around my waist or on my thighs.... They seem to come randomly and quickly, and last for a random amount of time, like hours or a day at most I would say... I also got one on my lip which was uncomfortable... At first I thought maybe bug bites, but then I've just been getting them randomly and I still haven't seen any bugs....
I am pretty sure I don't have any food allergies, but I do usually get hay fever, and when I was younger I was allergic to cats. I thought I was over that but I'm not sure. I wasn't really allergic to bees in the past, I got a wasp bite on my lip which swelled up only a little, but then earlier this year I got a wasp or bee up my jacket sleeve while on my bike and it stung me, my arm swelled up (a lot) from my wrist to my elbow for about an entire week.
The only thing I can really think of, is I just moved into my apartment a month and a half ago, and was on vacation part of the time... I know the previous owners used to have a cat or cats, and thinking that may have something to do with it... Before I moved in we cleaned everything, and carpet cleaned the carpets though... I've read hives can be related to stress, but I haven't been stressing about anything, in fact I haven't even been working much, which means I've been spending more time in the apartment... Which again leads me to believe I may be allergic to the apartment... The only thing there that confuses me, is I went out and while I was out I got a few hives on my arm, and then the one on my lip... Maybe there was something on my clothes, I was wearing long sleeves....
Sorry for the longish post, but thought maybe there are some wiser people out there who have an idea, and I haven't gone to a doctor because I haven't had any other symptoms at all...