I have my term for it: Offensive Driving.
Without baby on board, I usually go 15-20 over the "speed limit". I don't need a FuzzBuster, I have female intuition, big breasts, and the ability to cry at will.
I slow down to ambient traffic speeds with Hellion in the car.
If you are passing as many as are passing you, you are going the safest speed possible, regardless of the speed limit. If ambient traffic is going 77 and you're driving 65 you are as hazardous as the nut going 91; drop to 60 and you're as dangerous as if you were going 99.
If you think conditions are too hazardous for you to drive in,
get off my road.
My remedy for backseat drivers is a roll of duct tape sitting in my glove box. They have to put it over their mouth before they can comment on my driving.