Originally Posted by Anormalguy
Ratbastid, your situation eventually lead to you having threeways with your wife and with your wife's girlfriend, right? I strongly suspect that your advice would be much different if your patience had lead to you having sex 2-3 times a week, or perhaps twice a month, with only your wife.
cajeff, I agree with the comments that you shouldn't expect sex everytime you get an erection. However, I see a red flag if your girlfriend is only 23 and is already satisfied with sex 2-3 times a week. It's possible that the situation might improve, but that's not something that I would bet on.
You crack me up, friend.
You really think that Rat went from deeply dissatisfied and troubled in his sex life to happy blissful troilism in the space of a day, because his wife hooked up?
To the OP:
Every post you make shows that you are concerned about what is wrong with the woman that you claim to love. Here's a life lesson - love someone for who they are not who you think you can make them.
You need to learn empathy, sympathy, understanding, and giving without counting the cost or expecting reward.
You need to learn to listen to your partner, not your tumescent organ.
You need to learn to want her to be happy so she's happy, not to give the appearance that you want her to be happy so she'll be your cock-socket.
All in all you need to grow up, and have an adult relationship.
If you can fake being an adult and deserving of love, you may find you like it.
And all this talk reminded me of an old joke:
Q: What is the difference between light and hard?
A: I can sleep with a light on.