Originally Posted by roachboy
that's absurd. this is not security---this is massacre.
but let's think about this for a minute...in the article i posted earlier about divisions amongst israeli analysts on the question of whether this operation makes any sense, there is a series of quite strong statements that the most likely outcomes of this will be entirely counterproductive for israeli security. have a look at that.
some riffs:
a) if things go as it looks like they might and israel launches an all-out campaign to physically eliminate hamas--which is more or less the official line---by carrying out an operation in a largely civilian area against an enemy that does not necessarily wear pretty uniforms so you can see them---there will inevitably be extensive "collateral damage"---every last bit of which will (and of this i have no doubt) become rallying points for the proliferation of more anti-israeli movements and actions.
Instead you should just let Hamas continue to fire thousands of rockets at civilians in your own country? Hamas that runs Gaza and the minute Israel left Gaza did not sya thank you, did not consider recognizing Israel, instead continue to scream of the complete destruction of Israel. And of course there is civilian casualties they fire their rockets from civilian areas, they hide their weapons in civilian weapons, they have their tunnels under the border where they get their weapons from in civilian weapons. They chose that place not Israel.
this action is already a significant source of legitmation for hezbollah in southern lebanon..
Sorry there is no justification and this is not any sort of legitimization at all.
d) this action has already prompted syria to pull out of ongoing peace negociations and will complicate needlessly the ongoing quartet process---the quartet finds itself aligning with the united nations (and against the bush administration and israel) in calling for an immediate cease fire. the lack of a process in no way serves israel's security interests.
Where was the international outcry and yelling about the thousands of rockets fired from Hamas. Hamas wins again international outcry against israel every time they defend themselves.
meanwhile, in the fog of information war, there seems to have been some bizarre decision to claim that only women and children are civilians. so there's only been 31 children killed and 140 wounded in the interests of israeli security. and there's been roughly the same number of women killed. men, who apparently are not civilians, make up the bulk of the remaining 350 dead. i haven't yet seen updated numbers of wounded. it is early still on day 4.
It will take a long time to get true numbers and true facts, due to Pollywood where they like to bolster numbers double count and invent facts that never happen. I am not denying civilian deaths I am saying accurate count will be very hard to verify with Pollywood giving the facts.
To add this year alone Hamas has sent over 3000 rockets and and mortar bombs not including what happened since Israel has replied.