How much do you trust what the media tells you? They pick out certain news stories while ignoring others, the journalists have to come up with questions and other people have to answer them (who may also be biased). They only have so much time to discuss a certain topic
I'm not sure if they are slanting their stories or making up statistics or not. Maybe they are just getting it wrong and don't know what is going on? Or are they deliberately trying to cause things to happen?
This was talked about 5 1/2 years ago, but has anything changed? Have you adjusted where you get your news from since then?
I'll admit that I thought that Iraq had chemical/biological weapons from what I heard the government and the talk shows constantly go on about it. I didn't really think that Iraq was going to use them, but they may have sold them to people who would of used them.
But there was no discussion of Chinese oil contracts in Iraq or very much real investigative reporting on what was going on inside of Iraq prior to the war.
China and Iraq Finalize Oil Contract, as Western Oil Majors Waver
And this happens in a lot of stories. Frontline and some other PBS shows come close to telling it like it is and getting out most of the information.
How would your life change if you didn't watch or read any news? I might have to try that for a month or so next year.