Originally Posted by Slims
First, Israel has already tried the covert route, and it hasn't worked.
Second, 'mortar/rocket defense shields' would cause huge public outcry because this is how they typically work: You have a fire control radar which tracks the incoming round and tells you where it came from. Then your own counter battery obliterates the POO (Point of Origination). Since the Palestinians are firing from populated areas, any counter fire would kill dozens of 'innocent civilians' who just 'happened' to be watching militants fire mortars.
In my mind, Israel would be fully justified to take such action, but the international outcry would mitigate any gains.
The covert route probably wouldn't work at this scale. But having a few 'accidents' happen during the building of the bombs or rockets might deter people who haven't done it before. It worked in the US in the 60s, but that was a small scale movement.
I was thinking that the defense shield/large gatling gun/CIWS would fire into the air to hit the projectile as it is coming down. If the bullets get shot up high enough, they won't be as lethal when they fall back down (if they miss the rocket/mortar round). Then again, the best option might be a high powered laser type system.