Why all the car hate? It's an advanced tool for an advanced society. jeez. Turn off your computer and go to a library if you want information. Join a sewing circle instead of joining forums.
We made cars for ease of transport. Not all of us can tolerate living on top of each other with zero privacy in big crime ridden cities with increasingly miserable public schools. Out here in the suburbs, we like quiet. We need more effective forms of transportation because we can't put reins on advancement. Stuff is far away and to be productive citizens, we need to become faster and faster. There are only so many hours in a day, folks.
If I didn't have a car, i'd be on welfare. Public transportation sucks here, not to mention it is NEVER where I need to go and the hours I need to go there.
I will admit though, when we go into the big city here, we usually park on our side, and take the ferry across the river. We spend the day walking around the city and take the ferry back.
...and really, posting all the crap about insurance and breakdowns is laughable. There are things that responsible people do and that includes maintenance on anything they own...not just their car.
Last edited by Dead_man; 12-29-2008 at 01:57 PM..