Originally Posted by dc_dux
I agree that human rights standards should apply to all.
That includes: Hamas suicide bombing on bus in Jerusalem, June 2003 - 17 dead
Hamas suicide bombing on bus in Jersusalem, August 2003 - 23 dead
Hamas suicide bombing attack in cafe in Hillel, Sept 2003 - 7 dead
Hamas suicide bombing attack in Asdod, March 2004 - 10 dead
Hamas suicide bombing in Beersheba, August 2004 - 17 dead
Total number of Israeli civilians killed in Hamas suicide bombing attacks (from '95- '05)- 480
You are right ofcourse. I remember when that was going on there were very heated conversations going on here. If you ever have a chance do a search back to 2003/2004 on this subject. You will find some of the most intense debates Ive seen on TFP. From then to now some elements have changed, but founded dynamics are the same. (IMO) Why are the suicide bombings happening. Why the rockets, etc. The answer -because Hamas wants to destroy Israel- but why. It continues to fuel the argument for both sides of "self defense". Before the suicide bombings (which are/were terrible) they were throwing rocks. Thats desperation.
I will be the first to say that if it were a family member of mine that was killed in a bus bombing, I would most likely feel hatred and want revenge. I also know that while I was lucky enough to have been to the "Holy Land" many times in the 90s, going to some of the same places would make me a target today.
I take nothing away from the fact it is easy to sit on the other side of the world and have the comfort of wondering the "whys" instead of the "it has happend who cares why". I hope more start asking why. Its difficult to follow the argument of Israel would only be putting itself in more danger to give up the West Bank. Do you understand the problem with that direction?
With respect to assumed growth expansion- Do you find Israeli settlements on the West Bank to be lawful?