Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Hitting a mosque--among other targets, including a greenhouse--and having women and children among the dead: I hardly think rb's statement was a question of competence. He was hinting at the disparity in demonstrated force.
Despite any disagreement we may have on the causes and continuing problems of the situation in this region, Israel should be expected to demonstrate reasonable management of any situation that arises out of it. I've said it before in other threads, but regardless of any action of Hamas or other militant group, Israel does not ever get an "exempt-from-human-rights-standards" card. They need to be held to the same standard as any other nation, especially considering their military capabilities.
I agree that human rights standards should apply to all.
That includes:
Hamas suicide bombing on bus in Jerusalem, June 2003 - 17 dead
Hamas suicide bombing on bus in Jersusalem, August 2003 - 23 dead
Hamas suicide bombing attack in cafe in Hillel, Sept 2003 - 7 dead
Hamas suicide bombing attack in Asdod, March 2004 - 10 dead
Hamas suicide bombing in Beersheba, August 2004 - 17 dead
Total number of Israeli civilians killed in Hamas suicide bombing attacks (from '95- '05)- 480
And yet, Israel still took the unilateral action to withdraw from Gaza in 2005 and give the Palestinians autonomy in the region. With tougher border control, the suicide attacks have been fairly well controlled.
The rocket attacks...not so much.
As far as the Palestinian rocket attacks are concerned, I sincerely hope they aren't using them just to get a rise out of Israel as a way to garner international sympathy in the wake of heavy-handed Israeli military action. There are better ways.
To put in perspective, Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005:
Qassam rocket attacks launched by Hamas from Gaza (note what happened after the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in 05):

The bottom line: There is no military solution in Gaza. Any military action should be considered a failure on some level, and often on more than one.
Again, I agree.
But it takes two to make peace.
-----Added 28/12/2008 at 05 : 59 : 51-----
What happens when rocket attacks fail:
Gaza rocket kills Palestinian girls