The foundation that has built the rally of defense because "they want to push us into the ocean" holds no more water today than what little it did. To see any innocent life taken is a terrible thing regardless of which side. It would be a completely different issue if continued settlements were not still being built and exsisting ones expanding.
Its not really complex or complicated. Lets say your family lived in the neighborhood for about 200+ years and the property was handed down you.
Your neighbors, who moved in a year ago from another country, move the fence line over and absorb your property. Their justification is a story claiming the ancestors were here first thousands of years ago and the land was given to them by God.
What would you do to dispute this land? The courts follow the same philosophy as the "neighbors". Any move on your part will have you labeled as a terrorist and be dealt with accordingly.
When what little property you have left is absorbed and you find yourself surrounded by these new "neighbors" and they want you out, what now?
You are harassed every time you leave your house. Your family is threated by your neighbors on a daily basis. Your children's school is closed on a regular basis. You are prevented from seeking medical attention most of the time. The list goes on.
There is plenty of footage of what is going on now. Investigate.
What would anyone do? Fire rockets? Throw stones if you had to?
Results of what could be a peaceful two state solution will never be realized until the settlements are stopped and dismantled in the West Bank and Golan Heights. Gaza is an absurd excuse for what some may see as being generous.
The other way of looking at this is taking morality out of it. The one with the biggest guns is correct. Ofcourse it means a dark future for all of us.
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