I was waiting for something like this to happen before Bush left the White House. Part of the resolve of this situation are that the expectations be that Iran will see the carnage and get involved. Israel and the Bushco are just itching for an excuse to draw the Iranians in. Unfortunately, the US inaugerations are a month away, so there is plenty of time for more. Really to bad for all the innocent people involved
what do you think the obama administration should do relative to this situation?
i think the incoming administration should immediately begin reversing the bush administration's policy toward israel with respect to gaza. it should be carried out on both human rights grounds and with arguments concerning the political damage this situation is doing to israel itself. you'll notice in the ei coverage linked above that a dominant term for referring to what israel has defaulted into by following the logic that it has been following is apartheid. this association is of great concern to many israelis, and for obvious reasons.
I think the US should go back to the neutrality that was in place when Clinton was in office. The balance between the Israelis and Palestinians was proportional. Now it is very onesided. I don't see Obama changing the aid equation that much, simply because AIPAC won't let him. And if he does significantly, no matter how good his performance as president, he will be relegated to one term because of it.
Last edited by percy; 12-27-2008 at 09:54 AM..