Originally Posted by ngdawg
At the local supermarkets, although I have been buying some things like frozen chicken breasts, at Walmart. It's pretty expensive around here to buy anything at supermarkets. Four porkchops will run $10 unless they're on sale; a box of frozen veggies runs over $4 for name brands, $2-3 for no-names. I can get a 5lb bag of potatoes for about $4 there or $2 at the vegetable market. I figure anytime I can get enough meat for one meal for around $8, I'm ahead of the game. That usually means ground beef.
Do you have any farmers markets or something similar? I found that going to a market like that lets you not only buy fresh produce, but it's cheaper. There's no profit for the supermarket and you're only dealing with the person who actually grew the stuff.
Check out a butcher shop. Sometimes you can find killer deals on meat from a butcher shop.