I haven't taken quitting aids, nor have I attempted to quit yet. I've been a smoker for about 2 years now, 2 cigarettes on a good day, around 7 on a bad day.
I've been toying with the idea of quitting, although it's hard to get the motivation. I enjoy smoking, the mental facet of it, and I think if I were only smoking at parties/card games with the guys, and not an everyday thing, I wouldn't mind.
I think I want to quit. I just don't like to inconvenience people, or disappoint them, and it's bad for me. Plus, 3 years ago I was in great shape, now, I have no motivation to get back there.
I'd like my wife to help remind me to work out everyday, so I can get that six pack back(currently I'm just skinny as fuck), but quitting is something I'll need to do on my own.