Originally Posted by Martian
Hasn't been asked yet: ngdawg, what are your staple meals? When you cook dinner, what do you cook? Steak? Pork? Chicken? Veggies?
I love asparagus, spinach, brussels sprouts, mushrooms and all manner of other veggies. Salads are my favourite type of side (although unlike Baraka_Guru I tend to include a lean meat in dinner every night; might have something to do with me not being an herbivore). I blame my mother for all of this; she instilled healthy eating habits in my sister and I beginning at a young age, and we've all carried that through to adulthood. So, um, yeah. That might be something to consider, ng. By making the sacrifice now, you can teach your kids to cook right and eat right, and pass a better lifestyle on to them.
Magpie and I constantly bemoan the fact that portions in restaurants are far too big. It seems to be my experience that the typical restaurant serves nearly double what I would consider to be a good portion. I think that ties into the whole discussion here about average portions being far bigger than they should be.
EDIT - In regards to the fast food, reducing consumption of that will not only improve your diet, but also your wallet. Having someone else make dinner for you comes at a premium. If you don't have the energy to cook every night, perhaps getting some of your family members to share the load would help; after all, they eat it too.
We eat generally pork or chicken. Can't afford steak-any beef here is usually in the form of a meatloaf or meatballs and spaghetti.
Fast food sometimes is cheaper than cooking at home. I can feed the four of us from Wendy's for under $17, for instance.
Everyone here can cook to a degree, so if I'm running late, it's just a matter of a phone call.
My kids are almost 17 and unfortunately have acquired my eating habits. But being teenagers, they aren't seeing the effects (son is 6'1" and 135 lbs!). I have to hide the sweets or they're gone in a day. Even buying things like bananas or grapes, I know they'll be gobbled up in short order.