I find myself compelled to finally speak up here. I had the same problem when I was younger. I felt unattractive (stemming from the teasing I got from girls sinc I was 10) and I felt like I could never get a girl. I was TERRIFIED that if I even SPOKE to a girl, I would curl up, wither away and die. I choked every time I DID talk to one, which made the teasing even worse. Then, when I turned 16 I did something about it. I learned several interesting bits of information after talking to a much older woman about what was going on. Women are NOT hung up about how you LOOK, they care mostly about how you ACT, and how you carry yourself. OK. How do you "carry" yourself? It is all in the attitude. Have you ever heard of the comments that you will find what you you areooking for when you stop looking for it? Getting a GF or significant other is the same way.
My suggestion is stop LOOKING for a girl. stop TRYING to lose your virginity. It will come when it comes, and no sooner. Some people have suggested asking this girl what she likes about you, while you tend to look down on yourself...but you answer all these questions yourself.....
Okay, this might sound a little weird to a lot of you, as most of you seem like normal people and make a lot of sexy time, like normal people do. The main reason why I'm here is that a few months ago, a random girl from myspace befriended me (which is rare), and within that timeline, we went from telling each other "Your awesome to talk to, to "I like you", to now telling each other "I love you." I don't know what love is, never had a female love me, don't know what it's like, so I don't know if I love her, but for her to say it to me, since she's had boyfriends, that seems kinda weird.
Turns out that I was the first person she befriended on myspace that lives in my town, and she liked me so much that she didn't send any friend requests to anyone else here. She also really, really digs and think it's amazing that I've never had sex, never had a girlfriend, and have never even kissed a girl, and thinks that's impossible (and she thinks I'm cute o_O...). I've always thought all those things were bad things, being inexperienced being bad, and never doing any of those seems kind of "loserish". It's still hard to imagine that she appreciates all of that, especially since she's somewhat experienced herself, like a normal girl her age (20).
Now pay attention to your OWN words in red. Now go back and read them again......now go read them AGAIN. Notice something? She likes you because you are YOU. You are not trying to impress her, you arent trying to "pick her up" with some cheesy line. You are being just that... YOU ARE BEING YOU, and THAT is what she likes. Not all girls are into hot guys, hell I know ALOT of girls who wish their BF was a virgin when they met. You have found a rare woman!!!
It is the times where one STOPS trying to find things that they find it. And TRUTH is a rarity. You have found a girl who likes a guy who is being himself, and not trying to be what he THINKS she wants. The woman I talked to taught me one interesting fact. A woman will never say "yes" to asking her out.....if you dont ask. In the real world out there you have to ask a girl you like out, and if she says yes, go out, treat her well, and be yourself. for if a girl doesnt like you for YOU, then she isnt the girl for you. The answer is always no if you dont ask. I am assuming that you two have atleast spoken on the phone? Ask her what she likes to do for fun, then plan an event for you two to go to when she gets there. See how it goes. personally from what I have seen you two might be a great couple. Maybe she is tired of the type of guys she has dated and you are something different and refreshing. GOOD LUCK! and keep us updated!