Have you tried something like water aerobics? Alot of people with knee problems and such enjoy the pool exercises because they get a workout and it doesn't seem to jar their joints as much.
Ok so you've identified the fact that you eat junk in between meals. You love fruit right? Skip the cookies or cherry slices and eat a cup of berries. If you put the temptation out of your sight, it will be a lot easier to not eat them. In other words, quit taking the slices to work.. then tell the men to quit buying them
I think if you can learn to eat some healthier foods (look I hate asparagus and mushrooms but have learned to like them) you'll find that you aren't starving in between meals as much.
You're habits aren't that bad.. considering some other's I've seen. You really just need some tweaking and healthier choices. I'm working on a grocery list on good foods/bad foods nutrition value etc.. so this may help you discover foods that you will like and help you on your way